Old Empire (England)
Saturday evening, I'm at home drinking this. Pen and paper at the ready to write some brilliant literature about a great British beer. Except that doesn't happen. I can't think of anything to write other that I like the beer, but there's just nothing that excites me about it. Apparently this is similar to the stuff that they used to serve a century ago in the "Old Empire". One bonus it gets is that it reminded me that I should watch more cricket, since the brewery sponsors the England cricket team. I guess that advertising in reverse.
Coopers Best Extra Stout (Australia)
When people think of Australian beers they tend of think of some crappy lager, mentioning no names... *cough* Fosters *cough*. In fact I had no idea that the chaps down under could even brew proper beer. This, however, is one of the finest stouts I've had so far. I know I say that about every stout, but they all just taste so good. Thanks to the Aussie Bar in Helsinki for this gem.
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