Monday, March 25, 2013

25th March 2013

Last weekend I went to Helsinki to see an exceptionally awesome gig by Funeral for a Friend, my most favourite band ever. If you've never heard of them check them out, just don't blame me if you don't like it.

And as you may have noticed there was no blog last week. This was due to me being bed-ridden with a debilitating fever. I'm much better now, and I'm feeling generous, so I decided to give you two beers this week to make up for it.

Rodenbach Grand Cru (Belgium)
This is one of those beers I just don't get, and neither could the three friends who also tried this stuff. I don't know if it's supposed to taste like that, but if it is, then who the hell orders this stuff? The book says that this is a "blended" beer, and to me it tastes like they blended Dr. Pepper with sour milk. If you are ever thinking about attempting to tackle the "1001 beers you must try before you die", a word of advice: Save this one for last, because it might very well end you. Really disgusting.

Bikini Blonde Lager (USA)
Brewed and canned in Hawaii, I'm sure this stuff is perfect for hot days on the beach after a fortnight of surfing. Light and refreshing, and a little bit citrusy, this is definitely one of the best lagers I've had. Even though I think I drank this in December. In Finland. At least it took my mind to warmer climes.

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