Monday, April 8, 2013

8th April 2013

Spring is now threatening to arrive here in Finland. This weekend I went to buy a sun lounger to prepare for the inevitable disappointing summer. And yesterday evening it snowed. Brilliant.

Oh, and in case you hadn't noticed, I've gone back to writing about two beers per week. Rejoice.

Deuchars IPA (Scotland)
I bloody love a good IPA. Unfortunately, this is just not that good. When it comes to the pale ales, I much prefer the American ones, which are so bitter that they make you screw your face so that you look like you're trying not to sneeze. This wasn't like that. It was too easy on the palate, too light on the tastebuds, just not enough umph. This is in no way a terrible beer, but India Pale Ale is my favourite beer style, and during my blogging I've had what I would consider to be some of the best from across the world. This was just nowhere near a frankly ridiculously high standard.

König Ludwig Weissbier (Germany)
As regular readers of this blog will know, I don't usually like weissbier. So I was a bit apprehensive about ordering this, but it's in the book so I don't really have a choice. Fortunately, this was a really great beer. I think I'm finally turning to the white side. But I also think that it's only the German ones that I can manage, I still have to work my way up to those bizarre tasting Belgian things. And also, look at that glass. Just look at it! I wish I'd stolen it.

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