*Prize may not exist.
Blue Moon (USA)
I had this a while back while I was on holiday in London. It was served in a generic glass, so again, you will have to make do with a photo of a beer tap. When I saw the barmaid put a slice of orange in this, I wondered what the bloody hell she was doing. But when I tasted it I understood. The beer was quite citric anyway, and the extra hint of orange made it the perfect summer beer, very sharp and crisp in taste. This one would head straight in to my top five, if I could remember what my top five list was...
Schiehallion (Scotland)
Thank god I have that picture there, otherwise I would never have been able to spell that, and don't ask me to pronounce it. Beers like this are the reason why lager is so popular around the world. Or at least it should be. It tastes more like a pale ale than a lager, which is definitely a plus for me, lagers tend to be flavourless and boring, but this one really packs some taste in to the bottle. This is from the same brewery as the amazing Ola Dubh and I'm beginning to see a pattern. This is a quality brewery.
Ok, so no one wins the non-existent prize. The picture is of cricket umpire Dave Shepherd, who had a superstition that if the batting team was on a score of 111/1, 222/2 etc. he would stand on one leg.