Monday, August 27, 2012

27th August 2012

This blog seems to be getting more and more popular, with people from all over the world tuning in to read my amateur thoughts on great beers. Welcome to all of you. If you like the blog, please refer it to others whom you think will be interested. And feel free to like the blog's Facebook page.

Maredsous 8 (Belgium)
This weirdly bitter wheat beer had me a bit confused. At first I thought it was a little bit horrible, which isn't uncommon for me with wheat beers, but the more I drank, the more I liked it. It isn't as strong as Belgians usually are, which made it great for daytime drinking, while we were escaping the Great British rainy summer. Overall, not a bad beer. Cool chalice-like glass too.

Black Sheep Ale (England)
This is the beer that got me interested in real ale as a teenager. I remember stopping in a pub in the middle of nowhere and ordering a beer that I'd never heard of, which went on to become my favourite beer for several years. It still tastes as good now as it did back then. A great bitter which the British do so well.

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