Monday, August 20, 2012

20th August 2012

The start of the English football season was finally upon us over the weekend.  I almost feel sorry for my girlfriend, given the amount of football she will have to watch/listen to/hear about.

Nøgne Ø Imperial Stout (Norway)
Well I wasn't expecting this to be so good. I've had one Norwegian beer before and I didn't think much of it. But this is probably the second best stout I've had so far, after the Finnish Plevna Siperia. It's great that someone took time away from cross-country skiing to make this great beer. It is a bit of a shame that not many people will know how to order this as they won't know how to say Ø.

Old Crustacean (USA)
You'll have to accept this slightly rubbish picture of a beer tap as proof that I drank this beer. It's a barley wine style beer, which probably means something, I will check Wikipedia a bit later to find out what. I did rather like this though, it wasn't exactly what I was expecting, and it was slightly more sweet than the beers I would usually go for. Although it is a good beer, and I know a lot of people would like it.

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