Monday, April 22, 2013

22nd April 2013

This last weekend passed without incident. Mostly due to me falling ill with a cold for the second time within a month. I still soldiered on with the beer quest, though. Which may not have been completely wise, being unable to breathe through your nose does hinder your sense of taste somewhat.

Let's get on with the show.

Achel Blond (Belgium)
I wasted money on this. Not because it's bad, but because I had a bottle of this at home and instead I needed the "Bruin" version of this, which I don't have. They put them both in to identical bottles to confuse me. The money wasn't completely wasted though. My mistake meant that I got to drink this twice, which is a good thing. 

Trappist beer is good. This is fact. And although I drank this cloudy conconction with a hangover after an amazing Funeral for a Friend gig, it didn't affect my stomach, and in fact crowned what was an amazing weekend for me.

Sierra Nevada Torpedo Extra IPA (USA)
This beer was another balls-up on my part. I'd already drank this months ago, I'd written notes and everything. Unfortunately I somehow allowed myself to throw the notes away without writing them to blog. So then I had to go on a hunt to find it again. But find it I did, and I think my second opinion was not as glowing as the first.
This was drank in a rather nice pub in Helsinki, at a time when there was an "IPA Festival" taking place. I'd already drank a fantastic Finnish IPA, the name of which I've long forgotten, by the time I got to this. Although this is a really good beer, some of the shine had been taken off, and it wasn't quite as good as I'd remembered. I'd still definitely recommend it though. Great beer.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

15th April 2013

The sun is finally coming out now, and the temperature is rising, and I've already had my first outdoor beer of the year. Beer season has officially begun.

Weihenstephaner Hefe-Weissbier (Germany)
Another wheat beer that I'm no longer afraid of. Although this one did have the strange taste, a bit like cold beans, but it doesn't bother me at all any more. A beer from the world's oldest brewery, apparently, it's a little bit smokey and starts to taste a bit funky when it gets a bit warmer. So drink it fast.

Rogue Mocha Porter (USA)
If I based by blog on the notes my friends made about this beer, I'd be here writing about Stalinism and the Soviet Union. Of course, their opinions were based solely on the appearance of the bottle. Unfortunately, I drank this immediately after the excellent Founders Breakfast Stout which was rather bitter at 60IBU. That meant I couldn't taste this milder beer as much as I would have liked. The coffee taste doesn't hit you at once, but half a minute later you'd think you'd been drinking espresso. It was a very good beer, and I would give it another chance with a clean palate... if only it wasn't so expensive here in Finland.

Monday, April 8, 2013

8th April 2013

Spring is now threatening to arrive here in Finland. This weekend I went to buy a sun lounger to prepare for the inevitable disappointing summer. And yesterday evening it snowed. Brilliant.

Oh, and in case you hadn't noticed, I've gone back to writing about two beers per week. Rejoice.

Deuchars IPA (Scotland)
I bloody love a good IPA. Unfortunately, this is just not that good. When it comes to the pale ales, I much prefer the American ones, which are so bitter that they make you screw your face so that you look like you're trying not to sneeze. This wasn't like that. It was too easy on the palate, too light on the tastebuds, just not enough umph. This is in no way a terrible beer, but India Pale Ale is my favourite beer style, and during my blogging I've had what I would consider to be some of the best from across the world. This was just nowhere near a frankly ridiculously high standard.

König Ludwig Weissbier (Germany)
As regular readers of this blog will know, I don't usually like weissbier. So I was a bit apprehensive about ordering this, but it's in the book so I don't really have a choice. Fortunately, this was a really great beer. I think I'm finally turning to the white side. But I also think that it's only the German ones that I can manage, I still have to work my way up to those bizarre tasting Belgian things. And also, look at that glass. Just look at it! I wish I'd stolen it.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

1st April 2013

So it was Easter, which meant that Monday was a day off work, which meant that my internal calendar went haywire and I had no idea what day of the week it was, so I forgot to write my blog. Yesterday I was just lazy, no excuses.

Old Empire (England)
Saturday evening, I'm at home drinking this. Pen and paper at the ready to write some brilliant literature about a great British beer. Except that doesn't happen. I can't think of anything to write other that I like the beer, but there's just nothing that excites me about it. Apparently this is similar to the stuff that they used to serve a century ago in the "Old Empire". One bonus it gets is that it reminded me that I should watch more cricket, since the brewery sponsors the England cricket team. I guess that advertising in reverse.

Coopers Best Extra Stout (Australia)
When people think of Australian beers they tend of think of some crappy lager, mentioning no names... *cough* Fosters *cough*. In fact I had no idea that the chaps down under could even brew proper beer. This, however, is one of the finest stouts I've had so far. I know I say that about every stout, but they all just taste so good. Thanks to the Aussie Bar in Helsinki for this gem.