Tuesday, December 4, 2012

3rd December 2012

This weekend saw my girlfriend add to her previous age, poor thing. Congratulations to her, though. And I'll be taking a break from blogging next week, as I'll be in Helsinki watching Muse. Hopefully I'll be able to find a few beers from the book while I'm down there.

Celebrator (Germany)
The things I do for you people, and this blog... After suffering from a two-day hangover brought on by the missus' birthday party, I was still one beer short of being able to update this page. So I soldiered on and chose to drink this on Monday evening. When I poured it I was frightened. Frightened that this 6.7% dark beer would make my stomach's somersaults even more vigorous. But strangely it had the opposite effect on me. It was smooth and light, but delicious, and made me glad I risked it. 

Budějovický Budvar (Czech Republic)
When I was younger this was my beer of choice, I would drink it in the pub whenever I could find it. Unfortunately, after trying all the IPAs and other stronger tasting beers, this doesn't have the same appeal to me any more. I do still like, and I definitely favour this over the Carlsbergs of this world, but it wouldn't be near the top of list. Brings back some fond memories, though.

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