Tuesday, November 13, 2012

12th November 2012

Winter has almost arrived here in Finland, with the temperature dipping below freezing. Luckily we have a balcony that is perfect for keeping your beer cool during the dark winter months. And remember to recommend the blog's very own Facebook page.

Stone Ruination IPA (USA)
I had this just after the insanely strong Mikkeller Black, hence the slanted picture. And I'm glad I only put a picture of the front of the bottle, so you don't need to read the condescending crap printed on the back. Almost made me feel like I wasn't good enough to drink it. But the beer is actually very good, and certainly delivers the bitter hoppiness that it promises.

Meantime Coffee Porter (England)
I like porters. Simple words for a simple sentiment. And adding coffee to the mix is a stroke of genius, giving the beer and added bitter kick. A great way to kick-off a Friday night; will get you tipsy, but stop you falling asleep down the pub.

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