Monday, November 26, 2012

26th November 2012

I've had a tough day at work, and now my brains are fried, so don't be expecting anything Shakespearean from me today...

West Coast IPA (USA)
I had the opportunity to compare two IPAs from the book. While I was drinking this, my girlfriend was drinking Brewdog's Punk IPA. I have to say that after tasting this, I couldn't taste hers at all. That's not to say that the Brewdog's effort is bad, just that this is very, very good. I tend to prefer American IPAs to their British equivalent, and being an Anglophile it pains me to say that, but they're usually more bitter and hoppy and more flavourful. I'm not going to break out the stars and stripes and chant "USA! USA! USA!" just yet though.

Brains SA (Wales)
Rather nice, but lost a few points for being what can be best described as "medicine-y". I'm not sure if that was because the beer was old or not, because, to be fair, it had been sitting in my beer stash cupboard for quite a while. But like I said, it was still a nice reddish ale, one that I would definitely buy again. If only to see if a new bottle tasted any differently.

Monday, November 19, 2012

19th November 2012

Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of this blog. And my how times have changed. I used to be a guy in a crappy old apartment drinking beer like some shady tramp. Now I'm a guy in a swanky new apartment drinking beer like some shady tramp.

Oh well, here's to the next twelve months, and hopefully beyond. Cheers!

Gouden Carolus Classic (Belgium)
Not really my kind of thing, this. Way to sweet for my taste. So I regretted buying this huge 750ml bottle, but at least I had the opportunity to use my giant beer glass. It lasted a very long time, but I drank every drop of it, so I was quite proud of myself. And in a way I'm glad I did, because it did start to grow on me towards the end, even though I thought about pouring most of it down the drain. I wouldn't buy this again.

Red MacGregor (Scotland)
After spending the whole afternoon carrying heavy furniture up four flights of stairs for a friend, this was exactly what I wanted on a Saturday night. Nothing too exciting or thrilling, just a nice beer while I relax at home. Although there was a slight metallic taste, it wasn't too noticeable and in a way suited the beer style. It definitely didn't put me off drinking it.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

12th November 2012

Winter has almost arrived here in Finland, with the temperature dipping below freezing. Luckily we have a balcony that is perfect for keeping your beer cool during the dark winter months. And remember to recommend the blog's very own Facebook page.

Stone Ruination IPA (USA)
I had this just after the insanely strong Mikkeller Black, hence the slanted picture. And I'm glad I only put a picture of the front of the bottle, so you don't need to read the condescending crap printed on the back. Almost made me feel like I wasn't good enough to drink it. But the beer is actually very good, and certainly delivers the bitter hoppiness that it promises.

Meantime Coffee Porter (England)
I like porters. Simple words for a simple sentiment. And adding coffee to the mix is a stroke of genius, giving the beer and added bitter kick. A great way to kick-off a Friday night; will get you tipsy, but stop you falling asleep down the pub.

Monday, November 5, 2012

5th November 2012

The blog is taking over the world. This week I've had visitors from as far afield as Taiwan, Panama, India and Mexico. Welcome to you all.

Kapuziner Weißbier (Germany)
It's been pretty well documented on these pages that I'm not a fan of wheat beers. However, none of the ones I've tried so far have been quite as bad as this. It looked like sewage. And, although I have no basis for comparison, I would assume this tastes worse. Avoid. Like the plague. At all costs.

Greene King Abbot Ale (England)
Probably the British version of Trappist beer, in that it was originally brewed by monks. However, this is nothing like a Trappist beer (it's not as good, but not many things are). It's a pretty typical British ale, which wasn't unlike a few others I've had before. Good, but I've had better.