Tuesday, February 21, 2012

20th February 2012

Last week I had a trip to Tampere, where I was able to knock a couple more beers off my list.

Dale's Pale Ale (USA)
Apparently this is only available in cans, so I had to break the routine of taking photos of bottles. It tastes like a pale ale, but it tastes a lot like pale ale, and I mean that the taste is really strong. Which is absolutely a good thing. There was a really bitter after taste that left you wanting more. There's nothing much else I can say, except that I really enjoyed it. And thank you to Arttu for photobombing this picture.

Piraat (Belgium)
Arrrrrrreally powerful beer, you can always trust the Belgians for that. This was my first beer of the evening and it made my legs wobbly. It had a sweet taste, which really hid the alcohol content well. Shiver me timbers, and all that.

Plevna Imperial Stout Siperia (Finland)
I thought this blog needed some more sexy, so here's a picture of me having a drink of this great beer. During my trip to Tampere, I had to stop off at the Plevna brewery/restaurant. Their beers are not bottled or canned, so there are very few places in the world where you can actually buy this. I really liked the Siperia, it tasted like a slightly less bitter Irish stout, which made it so much better. This goes in to my top 3 beers from the book so far, along with the Anchor Porter and Paulaner Salvador. If you ever find yourself in Tampere, I really recommend that you go give this a try.

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