Monday, October 29, 2012

29th October 2012

A nice relaxing weekend in a spa turned into a drunken weekend away from the spa. I did find a great little pub in Turku, Finland though. If you ever find yourself there, I recommend you locate the Cosmic Comic Cafe. I would have been there longer myself, had my funds been a little more in order.

Gambrinus (Czech Republic)
Is this so special as to warrant a place in the book? I don't think so. That's not to say that it's bad. Just not as special as some of the beers I've had on my adventure. There was just no wow factor. A little bit disappointing, especially for a Czech beer.

Mikkeller Black (Denmark)
Dear God! I went out for a quiet drink with the missus, and ended up with this 17.5% monster. As you can see from the picture, there was almost no head on this beer, which I thought would make it an easily drinkable beer, despite it's strength. But every mouthful feels like a shot of some stout flavoured liqueur. And it will get you drunk, so drink this slowly, really slowly, make it last a month or so. The taste wasn't bad at all, it was just way too powerful, and it'll stay with you for a couple of days.

Monday, October 22, 2012

22nd October 2012

After last week's embarrassing incident involving a lost photo (knowing me, it was bound to happen at some point) this week I'm glad to report that pictures for both beers are safe.

Tiger (Singapore)
A beer definitely suited for the climate that I imagine there is in Singapore. A refreshingly light taste that will quench your thirst. It's impossible to not like this beer and I felt better for drinking it. Although that's possibly because it was a Friday night.

Le Freak (USA)
A new record holder for the most expensive beer I've had so far. €23 I paid for this (actually my missus bought it, but let's not quibble over details). The label looks like some cheap beer you might find on the shelves in Lidl, but never judge a beer by its label. Apparently a mixture of two different beer types (one Belgian, the other American), which combine well to make a really great beer. Was it worth €23? Probably not, but I'm glad I drank it. And you know what they say: "Le Freak - C'est chic"

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

15th October 2012

I had a rather chilled weekend at home this week. There was no football on TV, but luckily for me my girlfriend has ordered the Cartoon Network channel. So I had a weekend filled with Adventure Time and Johnny Bravo. And beer obviously.

Jever Pilsener (Germany)
Don't start refreshing the page, the sad truth is that I can't find the picture of this beer. I'm not sure if I ever took one, or if it has been deleted by accident. Either way, you'll just have to trust me that I drank this.
 The first words out my mouth when I drank this were..."tastes like metal". And it did. There was a really crisp bitterness to the beer, which I really liked. If they could somehow get rid of the aftertaste which made me think I was drinking mercury, they could be on to a winner.

Honey Dew (England)
This is a strange beer. At first I didn't think it was anything special, but then I was hit by the smooth, sweet taste from the honey. Really easy to drink. You see, I like honey, and obviously I like beer, but I was a bit scared to try this, and not just because it was two months past it's use by date. I was scared that this would be some sickly sweet drink. But it wasn't, the honey taste isn't overpowering, just enough for you to notice it.

Monday, October 8, 2012

8th October 2012

I didn't find time to write the blog last week, and if you think that I'm going to do a double edition this week, well, you've got another thing coming.

A. Le Coq Porter (Estonia)
There are two Estonian beers in the book, both of them porters and now I have drank both of them. And I have to say that this one is definitely better than the Saku Porter. The A.le Coq porter is more fizzy, sort of like a porter flavoured lager. A bitter taste that wasn't overpowering, which made it easy to drink. Well done Eesti, you've made a great beer here.

Chimay Bleue (Belgium)
This tastes quite strong, which may lead you to believe that you're drinking something you probably shouldn't be. It's "only" 9% though, so while not exactly liver-destroying, you wouldn't want to start a Friday night with too many of these. The taste is very Belgian, meaning it tastes different from any other beer from any other country. I don't know what they do in the brewing process, but as long as they make beers as good as this, who cares?